Sunday, August 28, 2011


Almost everyone has a Sunday routine.  Some go to church then head to a breakfast buffet after.  Some spend the morning in bed with the Sunday paper and a cup of coffee.  (Perhaps chillin' in your pajamas with a warm beverage makes the stories of revolution, climate change, financial upheaval, etc. easier to take.)

Of course for mothers it may just be an extra day to get the laundry done.

My routine for years was to get up, get dressed, and get my breakfast - oatmeal with raisins and black tea - prepared in time for Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood.  Nothing could be better.  I really miss Charles Osgood's soothing voice, it just makes me feel that everything is good in the world.  Nancy Giles was one of my favorite commentators - so funny and smart.  The many artistic interpretations of the sun filled me with warmth.

The hostels that I've been staying don't have television - which is cool but obviously I need to find a new routine.

Today I bought a Sunday paper and a cup of Kona coffee.  I'll try it out -see if it is routine worthy.

Available on DVD

Great gift idea.  Just sayin...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oh Richard!

Well, I am free from the cast!  No more extra weight to sling around and no more itching!  I had to wash my arm four times at the doctor's office to remove the icky dead skin.

My arm is weak, as I had been warned it would be, so I am wearing a brace.  It is lightweight, I can remove it to shower and it is stylish to boot.  I have to wear it for 3 weeks, after that I may need physical therapy.  We shall see.

I have still been taking it easy because I am still healing and I definitely do not want to give myself any setbacks.  These last three months of inactivity have been tough.  I am ready to move forward.
During my recovery I have read a lot of books - right now I am reading Richard Chamberlain's memoir Shattered Love.  You probably remember this handsome actor from the mini-series Shogun and The Thornbirds. 

Shogun was my favorite - I was riveted to the screen.  In his memoir he talks about how desperately he wanted to play the role of British sailor John Blackthorn and that originally a movie studio had planned to make it with Robert Redford.  The studio dropped the movie idea because the book was too long.  When it was decided that Shogun would be made into a mini-series, British actors Sean Connery and Albert Finney were offered the role but they declined.  Finally, after several meetings with Shogun's author James Clavell, Richard got the part.

Can you imagine Shogun without Richard Chamberlain?  Well, if they were to do a remake who would you suggest for Chamberlain's part?  Hmmmm.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy birthday Josh

Today is Joshua's 14th birthday.  We spent some time together at Richardson's beach.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Six More Days

I've been pretty miserable the last two weeks.  (That looking on the bright side wore thin pretty quick.)  There isn't much I can do while wearing a cast.  I can't cook, can't get in the water, can't work.  I've been stressing about not being able to do so many things that I lost track of time.

I just realized that this cast will be removed next Thursday - only six days from now.  Ohhhhhhh, I so look forward to that day.